Can-Am Side By Sides
The company Can-Am is the motorcycle division of BRP which produces all-terrain and side-by-side vehicles. Their designers were the first ones to equip an ATV back in the 1990s with a TTI rear suspension which provides superior comfort for any condition because of the unique placement of its two independent pivot sections. They are also the company known for providing the first ATV that can seat two individuals.
Can-Am is famous for its innovative off-road vehicles which are meant for fun and practical use on a farm or in the outdoors. Their side by side models are particularly praised by many people around the world, and that is why a Can-Am for sale is a great deal.
Can-Am Defender Family
These Side-By-Sides are designed from their very being to steer, stop and perform with the highest confidence and the will to never quit. It has a heavy-duty Rotax engine that is known for its legendary reliability and its ability to thrive on a hard day’s work. The Can-Am Defender is engineered to accomplish anything from farming to ranching to even hunting or just riding out with the family. This model is capable of doing it all. The Can-Am Defender is engineered to be the hardest working, most productive utility vehicle in the industry.
It offers a leading payload and towing capabilities up to 907 kg or a total carry payload of 680 kg. There are a lot of accessories for you to choose from as well to meet your needs.
Can-Am Commander Family
Usually described by experts as the most versatile side-by-side model in the market nowadays, the Commander is made to take on any task that is thrown its way. It is possible to use it for utility, creation and anything else you have in mind. The Commander family of side-by-side models is engineered from its core to excel in any task given to it.
Many people praise its handling and design that is focused on its riders. It is fully equipped with the tools that are needed to take on any terrain and with industry storage solutions; you can make sure that you and your gear are tucked away comfortably in its interior.
Can-Am Maverick Family
If you’re looking for agile side-by-sides today, you can always find the Can-Am Maverick Trail as your best bet. Having a wideness of just 50”, this model is meant to take on every trail system that is out there today. It is known for its precise handling, unmatched comfort and excellent stability that adventurous individuals are going to love.
There is also the Maverick X3 which sees the rocks, dunes and trails in the outdoors as its playground. With a powerful turbocharged engine capable of reaching speeds of 60mph in just 4 seconds, you will surely have fun riding this beast with your buddy. The model is also known for its sport-tuned suspension and lightweight chassis.
Can-Am Side By Sides for Sale in Perth
If you’re interested in buying a side-by-side in Perth right now, you can always check out the range available at our Port Kennedy Showroom or through our website. Visit our website now to see for yourself which model fits right for your needs!